Sunday, April 11, 2010

Well Enough Alone

God, it's been a long time. I know you'll never read this, but there are a few things I have to say. I wanted to write them in a song, but I can't make any of them rhyme or fit into nice lyrical patterns, but I have to get them out.

I hate that my heart freezes up every time you mention another guy's name that I don't recognize. I hate that every time I'm with you, you burrow a hole deep into my heart, and that as soon as you leave it feels like it'll never close. I hate that you're moving, even though I know it's probably the best thing that can happen for me, because I probably won't ever see you again if you go. I hate that I feel this all over again for a brand new girl in the same old city.

I think it's probably time for me to leave here as well.