Thursday, October 1, 2009


Rascal had surgery today. There is a huge incision with stitches on his eyelid, and all around the eye is shaved. He looks like the Terminator. Or Frankenweenie. Here's a bad poem that I just cranked out to turn in tomorrow and to revise extensively later on in the semester.


Until She walks through the front door
of my eccentric record store, exasperated
and drenched, to stand wringing
her hair onto the laminate floor
in drops and waves together, shining,
our eyes locked upon each other, I
have need of a placeholder.

Placeholder, noun: someone whom
I may tolerate, endure, possibly understand
occasionally, find typos with and engage
in repartee. Someone to cook for, whose
biological and sociological needs may come
first. Someone with whom I can completely
disappear into the desert, where it never rains.

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