Friday, January 1, 2010

A Not-Long-Enough December

I really want to do a write up of all the things I accomplished last year, but that will have to wait.

There's a girl. Her name is Paige, and I want to detail the story in its entirety here.

I believe I mentioned this monumental event previously. Early in the semester, I arrived late to my Creative Writing class as I would be doing every Thursday, and I saw no seats in the large circular formation of desks. I was super bummed, thinking this would be happening every Thursday and I'd never get to know anyone. Then a beautiful girl smiled at me and patted the open desk beside her. This was Paige.

Over the course of the semester, I was invited several times to Zipp's by two other girls in the class, one of which, Michelle, whom I was keenly interested in, and the other, Tammy, whom I felt was a little too old for me. Eventually more and more of my classmates were invited, including Paige, and I got to talk to her a little.

A bit later in the semester, I was chosen to direct the class project for my Film Noir class, and I thought to cast Michelle as the femme fatale, because she was interested and had a great look for it, but then Tammy suggested Paige. They were both interested, but Paige had to work during the auditions and Michelle didn't show up.

Given further consideration, I decided Tammy was right, and Paige had a better look for the part and some acting experience, so I offered her the part outright. We made the film. She looked beautiful and performed admirably. I was in my element and at the top of my game running that set. It was a wonderful day.

During this time I was beginning to realize that I wasn't really that interested in Michelle, despite her being a very clever writer, and my attention shifted. I didn't really pursue Paige because she was only 21 and I thought that might be a problem for her.

We all spent more time at Zipp's and hanging out after class. Michelle got a job at the restaurant where Paige worked.

On the last day of class, we hung out for the final at Zipp's, and the two of them left a little early. Tammy sat next to me and said that she had told Paige that I liked her. Thanks, Tammy. About ten minutes later, I get a text from Paige saying, "Hey do u maybe wanna get a drink with me sometime?" I'd love too.

Actually I was a little concerned that this might have been a "pity" asking-out prompted by Tammy's revelation. Oh well, I'd take it.

I went to Vegas two days later, and with finals and everything we didn't communicate much. Then this week, a few days had gone by since I returned from Vegas and left her a message, and she still hadn't called me back. I decided I was going to visit her and Michelle at work, so I texted Michelle Sunday night to find out if they were working Monday. They were.

Michelle called me and I told her what was going on. She said, "Paige has a huge crush on you." Bam. During this conversation, Paige actually texted me and apologized about not getting back to me. I told her I was going to come into her work the next day and hang out with her and Michelle since my other job was right around the corner.

That morning, Paige texted me saying they overscheduled and she wouldn't be working. She wanted to know if I'd grab lunch with her somewhere. I went into Taylor's Cafe anyway after my meeting, because I didn't want to bail on Michelle, and then I headed off to meet Paige for lunch at Sakkana, which she chose for its proximity to Guitar Center. I had to work at 2.

We had a wonderful lunch which she absolutely insisted on paying for. I went as far as I was willing to demand I pay for it without it getting weird and out-of-hand, and then I forfeited. I bought her a drink next door at Crust, and then walking out, I said that I'd like to take her out on a real date sometime. She said, "Then you should."

I texted her from work saying that she had looked beautiful. That night we texted back and forth. The next day, I asked her if I could take her on a date that night, since it would be my only day off for a while, but she was going to see Avatar with her father at 7 and had to work in the morning, so we scheduled for the next day immediately following the writing workshop our class had started.

At 6:15 she texted me saying that the movie was sold out, and asking if I still wanted to go out. Ten minutes later, I said yes, I'd love to, got dressed and then didn't hear back from her all night.

The next day, I texted her to see if we were still on for that night. She said she thought she was getting sick and probably wouldn't attend the workshop.

A friend called me later about the workshop and when I told him that Paige wouldn't be attending, he said he had visited Michelle and Paige at work, and she was indeed looking quite sick. Just before I got out of work, Paige called sounding quite dreadful, and asked if I would be willing to pick her up to go to the workshop.

This filled me with a surprising amount of glee. I said sure, asked her to text me her address, and told her I'd call her once I was out. When I called, however, she said she had changed her mind and decided it would probably be best just to stay in and get some sleep. I wished her good health, and turned around toward the workshop.

I texted her after the meeting, and we talked a bit before bed. I told her the story about the chicken noodle soup and the rose, which I'll probably have to detail someday in this blog.

So yesterday was New Year's Eve, and it occurred to me that I've accomplished a lot this year. I mean a massive amount. That's why I want to write an entry dedicated to just how much I drove myself to do this year. I didn't get a girlfriend, however, and it occurred to me that this would be another of many many years without a midnight kiss.

That probably sounds silly, but I've never ever had a girlfriend on a New Year's Eve, and that's always seemed like something I'd like to do at least once. Well, I started thinking about how maybe it was time to finally pull off the chicken noodle soup feat, and how this was possibly the most perfect opportunity I was likely to get, at least with Paige.

I texted her from work to see if she was going to be staying in, hoping that maybe I could drop by for a bit before going to see a friend that lives in Japan that I haven't seen in 5 years, but alas, Paige was going to old town with some friends. Oh well. I'll have to do it some other time.

So anyway, there is a girl. Her name is Paige. I just couldn't quite make it all happen in 2009. Hopefully it will happen in 2010.

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