Friday, January 22, 2010

Oh, Me.

Man, I'm shitty. I'm sick. It's raining fucking loads. I have no idea what's going on with this girl. I can't concentrate at work, and I know they're going to want to finish this goddamn duck poem. Last week I thought it was pretty good. This week I'm like, "Blaargh, it's too goddamned happy."

I just want to sit here at my computer and brood. Well, really I just want to call Paige and leave work early to meet up with her somewhere. I don't know. She's one of those girls with a million friends. It's really bumming me out. Everywhere we go, she knows someone, and she makes plans with them. then I think, "Wait. Am I just one of those guys that's always trying to make plans with this girl? Am I gonna end up being one of those guys that falls in love with her and then just hangs around forever waiting for her to want to be in a relationship?" UGH.

This is the worst blog entry of all time. It's like fucking high school. I'll probably delete it.

She wants me to direct another film and put her in it. I do too, but I'm doing my best to give her the run around. I don't want her to only like me because I'm advantageous. Then again, I am advantageous and I realize that that's a good way in at least. I'm such a sucker.

Well, maybe that's all over now that I've gotten it out. Let's hope this cold clears up and I stop being so depressed and anxious all the time. Oh, me.

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