Behold, the dream.
I was a member of some type of resistance force leading an expedition into an abandoned enemy compound, or perhaps just a large mansion, in fact I may not have been part of a resistance at all. I'm not sure, but that is the only explanation that makes sense. So I was in this place with maybe four or five other people, having found an hidden wing (maybe that's where I found the people), when a massive enemy force arrived and began to settle into the main part of the compound. We could never have made it past them out of the compound, so we decided hurriedly to dig in and seal ourselves off until our chance to escape.
We hid ourselves in our secret wing hoping they wouldn't find it. I can only imagine the rest would have been like an espionage version of Anne Frank's diary, which I've never read, but I imagine well. It was a wonderful dream, intense and scary, and underneath the excitement was a real sense of dread and despair for our chance of survival.
I might write it as a short story some day.
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